Why too much porn makes men bad in the bedroom but makes women better

Why too much porn makes men bad in the bedroom but makes women better

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Too much of something is poison

Ask any man why he watches porn and he will tell you it not only helps them get off, but also teaches them new moves to practice on the ladies they sleep with in real life.

Well, according to a new study done by experts at Lausanne University in Switzerland, who analysed more than 100,000 people’s love lives and published their findings in the journal Psychological Medicine,  too much porn makes men bad in the bedroom but makes women better, the sun reported.

Men and porn

The scientists found that men who watch large amounts of raunchy X-rated videos suffer a dip in sexual performance and are less able to please their partners. After spending hours on end and consuming huge data watching porn men are more likely to struggle with intimacy and are often left feeling inadequate, poorly endowed and unable to last long enough.

Women and porn

However, on the other hand women who watch porn experience and enjoy improved orgasm, desire and satisfaction. Ultimately porn also makes them feel more confident and comfortable about sex leading to the scientist to conclude it may even be a way of treating low libido.

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It all makes sense

Classy escort

In an interview for HuffPost Live, writer Naomi Wolf agrees that too much porn makes dudes suck in bed. Naomi argues that too much porn results in the ‘kink spiral,’ or a desensitization to “vanilla” sex.

 “What it does to men over time — and I’m not making a moral judgment — is that it makes them less attracted to their partner,” she says. 

Naomi says even if one has got the kinkiest chick on the block, there’s no way that women can keep up with the millions of different fantasies available on the Internet, and it makes sense that an overwhelming use of porn could contribute to men’s inability to enjoy regular, in-person sex, no matter how racy it is.

“What turned you on a month ago isn’t arousing anymore so you need more and more extreme images.”

Also Read: Tik tok star hunted by police for shooting porn on sacred mountain and uploading it to PornHub

This isn’t to suggest that porn is inherently bad, though. Watching porn is healthy and can actually be used  to spice up your sex life but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t potentially addictive or that it doesn’t normalize unrealistic standards about sex and women’s bodies.

Labiaplasty, breast implants, and even anal bleaching are becoming more and more common trends in the world of porn today.  As a result more and more women go to extreme ends to look like the “fantasies” men see in X-rated movies.

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