
First Date Etiquette: Do and Don’ts of Your First Date

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Thou shalt not

Every woman loves the thrill of the chase whereas every man loves the fantasy behind the unknown- what is she going to wear? Has she got anything on underneath? Is it going to go down tonight? Is she into me? 

Here are some of the first date dos and don’ts: 


Thou Shall Ask Questions

Your date will always feel more engaged in a conversation that shows you are genuinely curious to know more about them 

Thou Shall Be Open

The first date will definitely be a factor when deciding to invite them for a second date. Give honest opinions 

Thou Shall Be Confident

Show that you are confident in your own style and mannerisms and don’t need social validation. This is very attractive 

Thou Shall Have Fun

Wear flat shoes, ladies, you never know where a first date may lead you. Could be an adventure in the hills or forest. Would you have fun in heels? 

Thou Shall Let Her/Him Be

Be real with your date, listen to them and who they are without trying to influence their long-term or short-term goals 

And finally, Thou Shall Be on time

Arriving late on your first date shows a lack of interest. Show up on time and if late for unavoidable reasons, always apologize 

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Thou Shall Not Initiate sticky topics

Avoid topics on very sensitive issues such as religion and politics, it leads to awkward silence. 

Thou Shall Not Be Glued on Your Phone 

Your multiple followers on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. need constant updates but your first date requires your full involvement. It wouldn’t hurt to be on flight mode for a day. 

Thou Shall Not talk about your exes

Shows you clearly never let go and it will be a constant topic if it eventually becomes a relationship 

Don’t wear things you cant walk, breathe, eat, talk in, 

Being comfortable on your first date is important, do not compromise the moment. 

Finally, don’t stalk after the date, you may appear desperate and, haha,  Nim Notty always knows when you stalk.

Also Read: City man hires chopper to propose to girlfriend

First Date Etiquette: Do and Don'ts of Your First Date 1 1715

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