What Exactly Makes A Woman’s Boobs To Sag?
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Women, This Is Why Your Breasts May Sag
Women experience many body changes as they age, one of them being sagging breasts. Since the female breasts are made up of ligaments, and fat but lack muscle tissue, no amount of exercise can strengthen breasts.
Barry Roseman, M.D. a Piedmont breast surgeon says if women are aware of the contributing factors, they will take preventive measures to prevent excessive sagging. Here are factors that contribute to sagging breasts:
Lack of Support
Wearing a supportive bra helps to maintain breast lift and shape. Dr Roseman advises women to wear professionally fitted bras. She says,
“Lack of proper support will take its toll over a 30- to 40-year period. I highly recommend women get professionally fitted for a supportive bra at a lingerie or department store that offers this service,”
Weight Gain
Fluctuations in weight cause stretching of the breasts. When you maintain a healthy weight it will help them avoid unnecessary stretching of the breasts.
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As a woman grows older, breast ligaments stretch and lose their elasticity. Breast fullness is also compromised since the support system which includes the fat and tissue diminishes.
Smoking Cigarettes
Carcinogens present in cigarette smoke cause elastin to break down in the body. The elastin fibres are responsible for skin elasticity in the body.
Size of Breasts
People with small breasts hardly experience sagging breasts. Anita Johnson, a breast surgical oncologist says, “Stretching of Cooper’s ligament is seen more commonly in women with bigger breasts due to the gravitational pull,”
Can You Prevent Sagging Breasts?
Sagging breasts are not associated with health problems per se as such they don’t require treatment. People with sagging breasts however experience pain mostly due to their breast size as opposed to the sagging.
Dr Johnson asserts that “There is nothing to prevent sagging breasts. But one can opt for surgery, especially if they have debilitating back and shoulder pain due to bigger breasts,”