Understanding Endometriosis: Causes, Prevention and Treatment 1

Understanding Endometriosis: Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Endometriosis is a health condition where tissue that’s similar to the uterine lining grows in other places in the body. Endometriosis is a common gynaecological disease with its primary symptoms being infertility and pain.

The condition may affect more than 11% of American women between the ages of 15 and 44. Although endometriosis is common among women in their 30s and 40s, it can develop in any woman or girl who has menstrual periods.

Endometriosis growths are non-cancerous but may also cause problems. They may swell and bleed in the same way that your uterus lining does every month during your menstrual period.

This may result in pain and swelling because the tissue grows and bleeds in areas where it cannot get out of your body easily. Women who suffer from endometriosis experience multiple symptoms which include

Women with endometriosis may experience a variety of symptoms which may include:

Endometriosis often causes severe pelvic pain during menstrual periods. Several people may also have pain during sexual intercourse or when using the bathroom, others may have trouble conceiving.

People with endometriosis don’t have any symptoms and for those who do a very common symptom is pain in the lower part of the belly, the pelvis. The pain is also noticeable when urinating or defecating.

Understanding Endometriosis: Causes, Prevention and Treatment 2

Other people experiencing endometriosis may also experience bloating or nausea, fatigue, depression and anxiety. For some people, the symptoms may improve after menopause. The symptoms are broad and variable meaning that healthcare workers may fail to diagnose it. Individuals with the condition may also be unaware that they have the condition.

Causes of Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a complex condition that affects several women across the continent from their menarche through menopause, regardless of their social status or ethnic origin. A couple of factors are thought to contribute to its development. Presently, endometriosis is thought to arise due to:

Retrograde Menstruation

This occurs when menstrual blood that contains endometrial cells flows back through the fallopian tubes into the pelvic cavity at the same time when blood is flowing outside the body through the cervix and vagina during monthly periods. This may contribute to endometrial-like cells being deposited outside the uterus where they are implanted and grow.

Cellular Metaplasia

This occurs when cells change from a different form to another. The cells outside the uterus change into endometrial-like cells and start to grow. The stem cells may give rise to endometriosis which may spread through the body through blood and lymphatic vessels.

Other factors may also contribute to the growth of ectopic tissue. For instance, endometriosis is said to depend on estrogen which may cause increased inflammation and pain associated with endometriosis.

Understanding Endometriosis: Causes, Prevention and Treatment 3

Prevention of Endometriosis

There’s no way to prevent endometriosis at the moment. Enhanced awareness, early diagnosis and management may prevent the progression of the condition’s symptoms including the risk of central nervous system pain sensitization. There’s no cure for endometriosis at the moment.

Treatment of Endometriosis

Treatment to manage endometriosis varies based on the severity of the symptoms and if pregnancy is desired. There are no treatments that cure the disease, however, a range of medications can manage the conditions and its symptoms.

Analgesics(painkillers) like naproxen and ibuprofen and Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to treat pain. Hormonal drugs like GnRH-analogues and contraceptive( birth control) methods may control pain. Some of the methods include hormonal intrauterine devices(IUD), injections, vaginal rings, pills, implants and patches.

Impact of Endometriosis

Endometriosis has vital public health and social and economic implications. The condition can decrease the quality of life due to chronic pain, depression, fatigue infertility and anxiety—some people with endometriosis experience excruciating pain that may prevent them from working or going to school.

Painful sex caused by endometriosis may lead to interruption or avoidance of sexual intercourse affecting the sexual health of the affected people and their partners. Addressing the condition may empower those who are affected by it by supporting their human right to the highest standard of reproductive and sexual health and overall well-being.


Understanding Endometriosis: Causes, Prevention and Treatment 4 553

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