Here are the 9 types of Vagina every woman comes with one.

No 2 vaginas are the same: Here are the 9 types of Vagina every woman comes with one

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Welcome to the world of Vagina

No two vaginas are the same: Vaginas come in different shapes, sizes and even personalities. While every vagina is different, the average, unaroused, vagina measures 6-7.5cm at the front and 9cm at the back (it’s at a tilt).

What’s more the clitoris has more nerve endings than anywhere else on the body – 8,000 – as opposed to the penis, which has 4,000.

What the difference between a vagina and a vulva?

Surprisingly, many women and men confuse the terms vulva and vagina.

Also known as the birth canal for those who bear children a vagina connects with the cervix and, through that, the uterus.

The vulva on the other hand is the outside portion of the female genitals — the part you can see. It consists of the mons pubis, clitoris, urethra, labia majora, and labia minora.

Vagina Insecurity

No 2 vaginas are the same: Here are the 9 types of Vagina every woman comes with one

Due to their intimate nature, we don’t tend to see and compare the different types of vaginas  every woman comes with.

This ‘secrecy’ has led to many women to suffer from insecurities since many are left wondering whether their vagina is normal especially in our today image obsessed world where looks is the only thing that matters.

However, no matter the shape, size, colour or WHATEVER your labia (unless, you know, it physically hurts) looks like it’s completely normal.

What the fuck is labia majora?

‘Labia majora’ is fleshier outer lips of the vulva. Think of the cushioning between your inner thighs and your labia minora. Your ‘labia minora’, on the other hand, are the thinner, inside lips which start below the clitoris and are either visible or not depending on the way your vulva looks.

The largest vagina

The world’s biggest vagina belonged to Anna Swan (1846-1888) and it’s circumference measured 19ins (48cm).

That’s a little less than the circumference of a rugby ball (24ins). Anna, was a Scottish giantess and reached a height of 7ft 8in.

She also reportedly delivered the biggest newborn eve recorded at 23lbs 12.

More fun facts about Vaginas

Here are the 9 types of Vagina every woman comes with one

Did you know In 2009, Tatyana Kozhevnikova set the world record for lifting the most weights with her vaginal muscles?

Tatyana lifted a whooping 14 kilograms with her vagina. The Russian woman attached the weight to a wooden egg so her muscles could grab on to it ad then lifted it up. In 2009 in Denmark, the farthest a woman was recorded to ejaculate was 3m at a Masturbate-a-thon event. The Masturbate-a-thon is an event in which participants masturbate to raise money for charity and increase the public awareness and dispel the shame and taboos about masturbation. From 1998 to 2003, the Masturbate-a-thon raised around $25,000 for women’s health initiatives and HIV prevention, education and treatment organizations, and has contributed to debates about safer sex and alternative safe methods of sexual expression.

Here are the 9 types of Vagina every woman comes with one

Asymmetrical labia

Asymmetrical labia

A vulva with asymmetrical inner lips is where one side of the labia minora is longer than the other, and hangs down a little past the labia majora.

The labia majora are often symmetrical but not always and one of the inner lips can longer or larger than the other.

“Sometimes different parts of the labia may be different sizes, and that is fine.

Curved outer lips

Some outer lips will have a curved magnet-like shape, meeting at the bottom. This shape will create a window in the middle revealing the inner lips.

Prominent inner lips

This is when the inner lips are larger than the outer lips, and it’s a relatively common type of vulva. Some people may experience discomfort using tampons, having sex, or wearing tight clothing when their inner lips extend beyond the outer lips, Durrett says, while other people with this vulva type aren’t bothered at all.

Prominent outer lips

This simply means the outer lips are larger than the inner lips. They tend to sit lower on the vulva and may extend beyond underwear. Both full and puffy outer lips, as well as thin and loose outer lips, can fit into this category. 

Long, dangling inner lips

This is one way prominent inner lips might appear, wherein when the inner lips are longer than the outer lips and seem to dangle from the vulva, Irobunda says. These inner lips can be an inch long or longer, or they may look like there’s extra skin or folds.

Long, dangling outer lips

This is when the outer lips are longer than the inner lips (opposite to the type above). This is a form of prominent outer lips, though this structure, in particular, tends to involve thinner or looser outer lips that may extend beyond underwear. 

Small, closed lips

In some vulvas, “the labia majora and the labia minora blend together so it’s not really like two sets of lips; it’s more like one,” Durrett says. While they are technically two separate parts, the outer lips are closed so that they conceal the inner lips. Small, closed outer lips are commonly seen in porn, though it’s actually a relatively uncommon type of vulva.

Small, open lips

With this type of vulva, the outer lips are still small, but they’re set farther apart making them appear slightly open.

Visible inner lips

For this type of vulva, the outer lips appear curved or pulled outward, leaving almost a window for the inner lips to peek through.

How to take care of your Vagina

Irregardless of what type of Vagina you have you need to know how to take care of it and keep it in top notch condition.

Avoid wearing nylon pantyhose or panty girdles. They trap heat and moisture, providing an ideal breeding environment for organisms. When nylons or leggings are required, wear cotton or nylons with a cotton panty.

Avoid these feminine hygiene products, which can irritate the vulva: sanitary pads, feminine spray and deodorants, scented oils, bubble baths, bath oils, talc or powder.

Use warm water to wash the vulva. Dry thoroughly with a clean towel.

Tausi, is a budding writer who loves to explore women taboo topics and bring them to the fore.

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