Meet Ugandan men who can't stop suckling breast milk and compete with babies

Husband caught red-handed suckling housegirl’s breasts

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Husband caught feasting on maid’s breasts

Alfred Mukasa, a primary school teacher in Central Uganda district of Kayunga was busted busy feasting on their house girl.

The school teacher was caught red-handed by his wife suckling and fondling their housemaid.


His wife, Norah Kalembe, had left the housemaid at home with their baby boy and went to a nearby trading centre saloon to plait her hair.

By the time Norah was leaving at around 2,00 pm, her husband was not at home.

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By 4.30 she had not come back home and the baby got hungry and started crying. The maid tried to feed the baby with bottle milk but the kid was not having it and continued yelling.

That is when she decided to give the baby her own breastmilk although she knew it had no milk. Interestingly the baby stopped crying.

Enter Mukasa

It was at this time that Mukasa came back and found the housemaid busy with the baby suckling on her dry breasts. At first, he fumed and told the maid to stop it immediately.

However, on seeing the housemaid’s soft, supple breasts he got another idea. The poor maid explained to him that she had been forced to do to get the baby to stop crying and fall asleep. Mukasa then held her hand and led her to the sofa seat where he started fondling her.

According to the house girl, as he fondled one of the beasts, he suckled the other, putting her into the mood for sex.

Wife catches them red-handed

Mukasa had just removed her underpants, as he continued suckling the breast while as well touching her private parts when the wife walked into the house catching them red-handed.

The woman went wild and beat up the maid and sent her packing. Meanwhile, Mukasa has since runway from his home.


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