
10 Reasons Why Village Girls Are Way Better Than Your City Girlfriend

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Meet and mingle with village girls this festive season

As Xmas festive season kicks in, millions of young men working and living in the city will travel to upcountry to relax, enjoy the upcountry fresh air and mingle and sample village beauties or as Kenyans like to refer to them “Kienyeji”

Well, as you travel to the upcountry this festive season, it is the perfect time to dump your city girlfriend and enjoy the raw pleasures of mingling with village girls.

10 Reasons Why Village Girls Are Way Better Than Your City Girlfriend

Village girls are natural beauties

If you are tired of the cakes of makeup, get a village girl. They know nothing about Peruvian hair and braids or synthetic this and that. Petroleum jelly is enough and you can be sure the lips are hers and the hips won’t fall on one side.

Village Girls are Prudent

Village girls are brought up to know how to manage little resources to get optimum results, this is what girls from the village have been exposed to all their city counterparts who only know expensive things and not their cheaper substitute.

You can’t see a village girl spending a fortune on hair and frivolous gadgets, she is likely to be a better home manager than the city girl.

On the other hand, give a city woman Sh15k and all she does is think of a weave, red bottom heels or a camping trip with her muchene girls’ brigade.

Give the same dough to a girl from the village and she will think of chama, kamweretho, or add to her savings and before you know it, she tells you “Baba Junior, kuna kashamba nilinunua twende tukaiangalie.”

Shags women are such bean counters, she knows a man is not just there to provide!

Village Girls are Decent 

Even though this can be contested but considering the odds, a village girl is more likely to maintain a higher percentage of decency than a city girl.

Some city girls do very unimaginable things to keep up with fashion trends, however, a village girl has seen decency in her immediate environment all her life, hence the lower possibility of her wanting to be indecent in any way.

Village Girls make better wives

Marry a village chick and you are sorted: Your clothes will be washed, pressed, shoes brushed besides running your home and business.

City wives expect five Miss Mboches and Mama Nguo if you can’t afford a washing machine. Ask for a shirt you removed two weeks ago and she will be like; “Hiyo haijaoshwa, si mama nguo hakucome last week,” while she has been watching movies.

Village Girls are Submissive

A city girl knows too much already to be able to totally submit to a man.With all the activism she grew up seeing, it would take extra effort for her to submit herself to a man than a village girl, who was taught from the world go, that her life begins and ends at the command of her man.

Village Girls are Homely

A village girl knows that even when she’s sent to school is taught that her primary and main responsibility is to raise a family.She knows that her duties are to do the dishes, laundry, cook, make the home and take care of her husband is physical and emotional needs.

Village Girls are Family oriented

Your city girlfriend will dismiss any conversation that touches on babies four, five years into marriage because it will interfere with her figure or career or she is just not sure about the two of you.

Village women are very fertile: four kids in three years and before you know it, you have the first 11 in your house shouting daddy! After all, si watoto hukuja na sahani yao?

Village Girls are loyal

Shags chicks do not give up on their men easily unlike city girls who resolve conflict by whining on social media. They will not leave because you came home late and drunk, no. They do not leave because you are broke.

They know good things come to those who wait.

10 Reasons Why Village Girls Are Way Better Than Your City Girlfriend 1 1968

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