
Why You Should Try to Have Sex While You are Pregnant

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Sex during Pregnancy

When you are pregnant and expecting a child, it is common for many couples to avoid having sex for fear of hurting the unborn child and the mother.

However, sex is a healthy activity that can safely be enjoyed by most people throughout pregnancy. Pregnancy sex is important for lots of couples and offers both physical and emotional benefits.

Here are reasons and benefits that comes with having sex while you are pregnant

Orgasms Can Be Intensified 

Many women report having stronger orgasms during pregnancy, increasing their sexual satisfaction and reducing stress levels. During the second trimester, hormones and a boost of blood flow can significantly increase sex drive. Chemicals released in the brain after an orgasm can help ease pain and increase immunity.

Sex during pregnancy cultivates intimacy

Physical affection can be a way of strengthening your bond and helping your partner feel like part of the equation. Another benefit of sex during pregnancy? In the later months, post-intercourse cuddle sessions are the perfect time for your partner to feel the baby kick.

Sex during pregnancy will make you discover new sex positions

Your sex life doesn’t need to end just because you’re expecting. In fact, many people find that sexual drive—and pleasure—go through the roof during pregnancy. The trick is finding sex positions during pregnancy that are both comfortable and pleasure-boosting.

Because of baby bump, Sex during pregnancy will force couples to be more creative and try new sex positions during pregnancy in order to avoid putting too much pressure on your belly

Looking for some good positions for sex during pregnancy? Try sitting at the edge of your bed while your partner kneels or stands and enters you from the front, or the spoon position, with both of you lying on your sides as he enters you from behind.

One of the most-preferred positions by pregnant people, cowgirl allows for increased sexual satisfaction for the pregnant partner to control penetration during penis-in-vagina sex by being on top of their partner.

Sex Is a Great Workout

When you are sexually active, you are continuously working out and burning calories, which can help lower blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause many different issues during pregnancy (as well as create problems for men and women at any age). After a bedroom session, you may find that you also fall asleep quicker and have a more relaxing night of sleep.

Sex during pregnancy boasts your Self-Confidence

Changes in your body and fluctuating hormones can lead to feeling differently about your body. Many women begin to feel unattractive during pregnancy. Frequent sexual intercourse with your partner can help boost your self-esteem and make you feel like yourself again.

Pregnant sex can feel even better

Pregnancy increases blood flow to your pubic area, which heightens sensitivity, so some people experience enhanced orgasms, says Claire Jones, M.D., an OB-GYN at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. This makes sense, considering that pregnancy increases the blood volume in your body by as much as 40%. Your vagina is also more lubricated because of increased estrogen levels, and your breasts can be more sensitive too.

Sex during pregnancy helps you tune into your body

Taking time for sexual pleasure and intimacy, either with a partner or solo, lets you slow down and tune into your body. Notice and appreciate all the wondrous physical changes happening as your pregnancy progresses. What better way to enjoy this stage than sensual touch? Love your body and be in awe of the beauty—and power—of growing a baby.

Sex during pregnancy Improves Labor and Recovery Time

Bottom line, the best thing about sex during pregnancy improves labor and recovery time. Orgasms are contractions of your pelvic muscles, which strengthens them, helping to ease labor pains and improving bladder control to avoid leaks or urination during pregnancy. Stronger pelvic muscles can also lead to a quicker recovery after giving birth.

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