
The Truth About Queefing: It’s Not a Fart, It’s a Flirt

Reading Time: 2 minutes

No Shame in Queefing! In fact, it’s a Turn On to Some

Have you ever heard a “popping” or “farting” sound coming from your vagina? Don’t worry, it’s not a fart, it’s a queef! Queefing is when air escapes from your vaginal canal, making a noise that can be loud or quiet, depending on how much air there is. Queefing can happen anytime, but it’s more common during or after sex, exercise, or other movements that make your vagina squeeze and relax. Queefing is caused by air getting into your vagina, either from your partner’s penis, fingers, toys, or even your own breathing. When the air gets pushed out, it makes a sound. Queefing is totally normal and natural, and it doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you or your vagina. It’s just a sign that you’re having fun and enjoying yourself! So don’t be embarrassed or ashamed of queefing, embrace it as part of your sexual pleasure and expression.

“Unlike the gas passed from the anus, the air that comes out during a queef does not have an odor,” adds board-certified ob-gyn Renita F. White, MD, member of The Pulse, a panel of experts for The Honey Pot Company. So yeah, definitely not a fart.

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What causes queefing?

Dr. Twogood claims that if queefing occurs during sex, the penetrating object, whether it be a penis, a toy, a finger, etc. is probably “coming out of the vagina completely and then going back in quickly.” Instead of the thrusting partner or item staying inside the vagina at all times, this motion has a higher chance of introducing air into the vagina and trapping it there.

Simpson-Baker continues, “It’s also important to keep in mind that some positions, like doggy style, are more queef-prone than others.

How To Prevent Queefing

A queef can sort of happen whenever, even if it may seem like it only happens in the most awkward circumstances (such as in a calm moment during foreplay or a silent moment during yoga).

This does mean that, yes, your sexiest moments are also the times when your vagina is most likely to let out a big ol’ fart sound because life is cruel and, frankly, we have very little control over our body’s functions. However, it’s not abnormal to splutter out queefs every time you have sex because air is a gas and by nature, gases fill their containers, which occasionally just so happens to be your fat pussy.

Since queefs are basically just odorless air pockets, any positions that can reduce the likelihood of air entering your vag can be helpful. Avoid raising your legs high or keeping them extended for an extended amount of time. This includes positions in which your vagina is elevated into the air or your hips are raised over your head.

My Take

Give non-doggy positions more playtime in your sex life if you dislike queefing if it distracts you and makes it difficult for you to orgasm.

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