Research: Men Who Lift Heavy Weights At Work Are More Fertile, Have More Sperms
Research Says That Men With Physically Taxing Jobs Are More Fertile
Rising cases of infertility among men have raised brows with most researchers up in arms to find answers to the menace. National Institute of Health publication asserts that 40-50% of infertility cases can be traced to male factors including dysfunctional sex organs, low sperm count and poor sperm quality.
According to the latest findings by researchers from the Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital, men who lift heavy objects at work or rather those with physically taxing jobs do not report declining sperm counts.
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These findings were published in a journal dubbed ‘Human Reproduction’ which is part of a clinical study , Environment and Reproductive Health (EARTH) cohort that explores how lifestyle choices and exposure to environmental toxins affect reproductive health.
During the presentation of her findings, the lead author Lidia Mínguez-Alarcón and co-investigator of the EARTH study said, “We already know that exercise has multiple health benefits to humans, including on their reproductive health, but few studies have explored how occupational factors contribute to these benefits,”
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The researchers also discovered that men often reported lifting heavy objects at their workplace, and had 44% higher total sperm count and 46% higher sperm concentration when compared to those who do less physical activity work.Men who reported more physical activity at their workplace had higher levels of the female sex hormone oestrogen and male sex hormone testosterone.
A previous analysis led by EARTH research team discovers that among men who sought fertility treatment, sperm quality and count between 2000 and 2017, declined up to 42%. The research team further discovered that chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases contributed to infertility.
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Mínguez-Alarcón says, “Reproductive health is critical in its own right, but growing evidence suggests that male infertility can provide deeper insight into broader public health issues, including common chronic conditions. Uncovering actionable measures people can take to improve their fertility stands to benefit everyone, and not just couples trying to conceive.”
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