Meet Man with 9 wives who created 'sex rota' so none of the women feels left out and now wants to add more.

Meet Man with 9 wives who created ‘sex rota’ so none of the women feels left out and now wants to add more

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Meet Arthur the man

A Brazilian man is living the life many men can only fantasise about without having the balls to actualise it.

The man is married to nine woman and has created a “sex rota” to schedule time to have sex with each one of his wives so none of the women feels left out.

“I don’t have a favourite wife for this to happen, we’re letting it happen naturally.”

Arthur O Urso, from Brazil grabbed world headlines last year after he married his nine wives in a bid to “celebrate free love” and “protest against monogamy”.

Arthur O Urso

Welcome to swingers club

Mr. Urso, who works as a model, and his first wife Luana Kazaki are swingers. The two formalised their union with the eight other women at a Catholic church in São Paulo. However, the marriage is not legally binding since polygamy is illegal in Brazil.

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The polygamist has since taken to sharing his unconventional lifestyle to his more than 100,000 Instagram followers. He freely shares photos of him cuddled up in bed with his wives or on group outings.

We must all fuckin share Arthur

Arthur O Urso with his wives.

Shortly after the marriage, one of his wives, Agatha, decided to divorce the group.

“A few months went by and everything seemed so perfect, until the moment when one of my wives called me to talk. In short, we came to the decision to divorce,” Arthur was quoted as saying by Mirror.

Arthur also added that Agatha suddenly wanted him all by herself.

“She wanted to have me all to herself. It didn’t make sense – we have to share. I was very sad about the separation and even more surprised by her excuse. She said that she was missing a monogamous relationship.

His remaining wives, however, choose to stick with him and are ‘happily married’.

“My other wives thought her attitude was wrong and that she accepted the marriage for adventure and not for real feelings.”

‘sex rota’ so that everyone has a feel of Arthur

At the start of the relationship Arthur created ‘sex rota’ so none of the women feels left out.

“They all want to fulfil my sexuality at any cost, they are happy to make it their goal. Our sex life is really fun and pleasurable, and initially I tried to have sex by appointment.

Arthur O Urso with his wives.

‘sex rota’ is too stressful and structured

However, Arthur had to give up on the “sex rota” when it started to feel like a chore and he found it to be too stressful and structured.

“But following a timetable caused a lot of problems and sometimes I felt like I had to have sex because of the schedule, and not for pleasure.”

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Arthur also admitted that he found himself thinking about his other wives while making love to some of his wives.

“On other occasions I had sex with one wife while thinking about another.”

Let sex flow naturally

After giving up on the “sex rota” altogether Arthur now focuses on letting things “flow naturally”.

“It doesn’t take long to get attention or affection when you have that many wives. It didn’t seem right so we got rid of it and now the sex flows naturally, it’s been great.”

Arthur O Urso with one of his wives.

Arthur say each one of his women is different in bed and has her own charm.

“It is very fun, pleasurable and unique to experience everything collectively, and they are all very different in bed.

“One of them, I won’t name her to keep her privacy, likes to be dominant and I like a woman who tells me what she wants.”

Arthur insists that his wives do not mind how often each of the wives get to make love to him.

“first come, first served”

Arthur is now planning to expand his family even further and have children and says that it’s “first come, first served” as to which wife will conceive his child first.

“The cool thing about all this is that regardless of which of my wives has the baby, the child will grow up with a lot of love and affection from everyone,” Arthur said.
Arthur O Urso.
The women too have different feelings about motherhood, with some not yet keen to have children. Others however, are thrilled about the prospect of welcoming a baby to the group.

“I can’t hide that I’m very anxious, they are all keen for it,” he said.

“I believe that after the first child comes and the others see the whole situation, they will definitely want to feel and experience the same.

“But for now, it’s first come, first served.”

Meet Man with 9 wives who created 'sex rota' so none of the women feels left out and now wants to add more 1 2331

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