Man gets shock of his life after hooking up with toothless escort hiding in a face mask
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Man flees from toothless escort
A young man is regretting hooking up with an escort and has vowed never ever to hook up with the lady of the night worst of all one wearing a face mask.
Bob Mukasa, 30, a dealer in Charcoal at Saint Balikudembe market picked a sex worker from Speke road which is not far from Speke hotel for what promised to be a steamy night.
Alas! it wasn’t to be
While narrating his ordeal to his colleagues at his work place the following day, Mukasa said that it had been long since he had fucked a woman and so he decided to get a sex worker to quench his sex lust and save him from blue balls.
He went to Speke road at around 8.00PM where he found a group of 5 escorts waiting for customers. He spotted one whom he felt would satisfy him because she was tall and slim.
Lets’ go to my place and fuck
He however could not see her full face since she was wearing a face mask in line with Covid-19 protocols. It is a must to wear a face mask within Kampala city. After agreeing on the price they walked hurriedly to his house located half a kilometer away so that they could beat the curfew time which starts at 9.00AM.
On reaching his one room rental he left her inside the house and went to take a shower in the bathroom located out side .
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On coming back he found that the woman had removed her face mask. He then joked that she was beautiful and going by what he had seen he would certainly give him a good fuck.
She was missing about 5 teeth
The woman smiled and that is when Mukasa realised that she had no font teeth. Upon closely look he estimated that she lacked about 5 teeth on the front lower and upper teeth. He couldn’t imagine fucking her and so he fled to a neighbour house and begged him to go and chase away the woman.
The neighbour went and convinced the woman to leave. She left only after being given some money for transport. Mukasa vowed never again to pick sex workers at night.