After Sex

10 Things Nobody Tells You That You Should Do After Sex

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Life after sex? 

So you have just had that earth-shattering sex shown in movies. You panted and pushed and finally got her heaving hard before collapsing in a sweet mess. What a feeling, right?

Do you cuddle up a bit? Do you turn around and fall asleep immediately? Or do grab the remote and binge watch on the latest episode of Squid? What the fuck does somebody’s son do?

You see, life before sex is straightforward, you sweet talk her, compliment her looks, ogle on her ass, and before she knows it you guys are undressing like the world is about to end if you don’t fuck. What to do after sex is a bit more complicated. After you find your ripped bra and torn sock what do you do then?

As you mull that, this dilemma should tell you that sexual health is indeed in your own hands. Your post-coitus behavior has a huge impact on your reproductive health so do the necessary. 

For now, here is what you should do after sex from now onwards: 

  • Check the Condom 

Check the condom

You are wise to use a condom. You are even wiser if you check it thereafter. Always trust your instincts. If you have a sneaking suspicion or feel like something was different this time, take a closer look and see if it’s broken. 

  • Wash up 

You don’t have to jump into the shower right away. Gently cleanse yourself to prevent Urinary Tract Infections(UTIs)

  • Keep Clean-Up Simple  

Wash the area around your genitals with plain, warm water. Avoid harsh soaps, detergents, shampoos, perfumes, and lotions. Men with foreskins should gently pull it back and wash underneath. For the ladies, pat that coochie gently once you are done cleaning and then you can get back to bed. 

  • Take a Piss 

Taking a piss flushes out the germs. When women urinate after sex, it dislodges any bacteria that may have entered the vagina. Ladies, just in case you didn’t know, always wipe the coochie from front to back to stop the spread of bacteria. 

  • Drink water or Cranberry Juice

Keep yourself hydrated, you will piss more. Cranberry juice, on the other hand, has been proven to fight bacteria since it’s not broken down by the digestive system and therefore gets to clean your bladder and urinary tract. 

Also Read: Why making love with a tipsy woman is the best coital for a sexually thirsty man

  • Wear loose-fitting clothing 

Let the genitals breathe. Let the air in. Hot, sweaty places are the perfect environment for bacteria and yeast to thrive. 

  • Wash your hands 

Your hands have been all over and even in there. Wash them to get rid of bacteria you might have picked from touching your partner’s genitals. 

  • Clean your sex toys

Clean Sex Toys

It’s best not to share sex toys. However, if you plan to do so, try to cover the toy with a condom each time you use it. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi hang around. ‘Doing your chores’ will keep you healthy. 

Yes, guys get yeast infections too. If you notice the symptoms- itching, burning, or a thick white discharge from the genitals, treat it before you decide to get freaky again. 

  • Get tested

‘It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance’- Elizabeth Taylor. 

If you are sexually active, or if you have a new partner, get tested for Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STDs) as well. Most of the time, these infections do not have symptoms. Watch out for odd discharge, pain, blisters, sores, spots, or lumps around the genitals. 

Note these Nim Notty things to do after sex and practice them. The cuddling can wait for 5 minutes. This will keep your sexual health at its best. 

Also Read: #Carnal Rules: Things you should never do before or say after sex

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