The Best Way to Prevent Pregnancy and STDs After Unprotected Sex: You Won't Believe How Easy It Is 1

The Best Way to Prevent Pregnancy and STDs After Unprotected Sex: You Won’t Believe How Easy It Is

Reading Time: 4 minutes

You Had Unprotected Sex. Now What?  You Need to This After Unprotected Sex or Condom Failure!

First of all don’t panic after having unprotected sex. There are plenty of ways that you can address the situation and maintain sexual health.

Immediately After

If you notice that the condom has broken, keep calm, stop and move away from your partner. This is the hardest part, especially if one of you was about to cum.

In case this happens, wash out any lingering fluids in your pussy and for the guys, do the same for your dick. This helps wash out bacteria that can lead to Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Don’t fall for the myth that you need to scrub your privates after getting busy, therefore you need to avoid vaginal douching. Washing off by splashing lukewarm water on the pussy or having a shower is enough.

Get emergency contraception if you still feel you need extra precaution to avoid pregnancy.

Within 3 Days

Think you might have gotten HIV from hooking up? Don’t panic, there’s a way to lower your chances of getting sick. It’s called PEP, and it’s a treatment that can stop the virus from spreading in your body. But you gotta act fast, like within hours of the risky encounter. The sooner you start, the better it works.

The Best Way to Prevent Pregnancy and STDs After Unprotected Sex: You Won't Believe How Easy It Is 2

Within 5 Days

You had a mishap with your condom or forgot to take your pill and now you’re freaking out about getting pregnant. Relax, there’s still a way to avoid that. It’s called EC, or emergency contraception, and it’s a backup plan that can stop a pregnancy before it starts. But you need to act quickly, because time is of the essence. If you’re using the EC pills you can buy at the pharmacy, you need to pop them within 3 days of the oops moment. If you’re getting a prescription for EC, you have a bit more leeway, up to 5 days. But don’t wait too long, because the sooner you take it, the better it works.

2 Weeks Later

You’ve got some unusual discharge coming out of your junk and it burns when you pee. That’s not normal, and it could mean you’ve got an STD. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are two of the most common culprits, and they can cause these nasty symptoms.

You’ve got a sore throat from giving head, or your belly or balls hurt from getting laid. That could be a sign of gonorrhea or chlamydia, two nasty STDs that can mess up your sex life. But sometimes, you won’t feel anything at all, and that’s even worse. That’s why you need to get tested for these 2 weeks after you hook up, because they can make you infertile if you don’t treat them. Don’t trust those home kits, go to a clinic and get the real deal. If you test positive, don’t freak out, just take some antibiotics and stay away from sex until you’re clean.

The Best Way to Prevent Pregnancy and STDs After Unprotected Sex: You Won't Believe How Easy It Is 3

3 Weeks Later

You skipped your period and you’re freaking out. Could you be pregnant? There’s only one way to find out: take a pregnancy test. But don’t rush it, because you need to wait 3 weeks after you had sex for the test to work. That’s because the test looks for a hormone called hCG that shows up in your pee when you’re pregnant. If the test is positive, talk to a doctor or a nurse about what to do next.

But what if you’re worried about something else, like genital herpes or HIV? These are two STDs that can’t be cured, but they can be treated. Genital herpes can cause blisters or sores on your junk, or make it burn or itch. HIV can make you feel like you have the flu, but then go away for a while. You need to wait at least 3 weeks to get tested for these bugs, because they take some time to show up in your blood. If you test positive, don’t panic, there are medicines that can help. Antiviral drugs can ease the pain of genital herpes outbreaks, and stop HIV from making you sick.

6 Weeks Later

Syphilis is a sneaky STD that can hide in plain sight. You might not even notice anything wrong with you, but it can mess up your health big time. It can cause:

• little bumps or sores on your junk or mouth

• red spots on your hands or feet

• fever

• headaches

• joint pain

But these signs can take a long time to show up, so you need to wait 6 weeks after you hooked up to get tested. If you test positive, don’t worry, you can get rid of it with some antibiotics. Just make sure you don’t have sex until you’re cured.

The Best Way to Prevent Pregnancy and STDs After Unprotected Sex: You Won't Believe How Easy It Is 4


3 Months Later

You might think you’re in the clear after getting tested for STDs once, but think again. You should test yourself again a few months later, just to be sure. That way, you can be confident that you’re really negative, or that the meds you took worked. This is especially important for syphilis, because it can be tricky to detect. It can come back, or resist the antibiotics. So make sure you check yourself again after 3 and 6 months. Better safe than sorry, right?

For Next Time

Want to avoid getting an STD? Use a barrier method. That means condoms, gloves, or dental dams for oral sex. They can block the germs from getting into your body. But make sure you use them right. Check the expiration date on the condoms, and don’t rip them open with your teeth or scissors. You don’t want to make any holes in them, or they won’t work.

Don’t be a fool, get tested for STDs regularly. Once a year is good, but if you’re hooking up with different people, you might want to do it more often. Like every 3 or 6 months. Trust us, it’s worth it.

Take off that fucking condom and fill me with raw dick and cumshots

#Curious: Preparing For Anal Sex: A Beginner’s Guide

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