Does weed cause erectile dysfunction?

Sex On A High During The Wake Of 4:20 : Does Weed Make Sex Better or Cause Erectile Dysfunction ?

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4:20 Holiday

Today is 4:20, the day marked by marijuana enthusiasts to time to meet up and smoke weed.’ Celebrating 4:20 is different for everyone. Some people prefer celebrating the special day with friends still others prefer live music and entertainment to enjoy the unofficial holiday. A couple of people would still go for having sex on a high. Here are Important details you should note when having stoned sex:

How Does Weed Affect Sexual Activity?

Cannabis is the most widely cultivated and trafficked substance with 2.5% of the world population consuming it yearly ().In some countries, weed is illegal due to uncertain consequences and its impact on public health ().

Poor sex makes couple frustrated
Poor sex makes couples frustrated

A lot of people resort to using marijuana and alcohol because they desire fulfilling sex and a life-changing sex life. How do these substances affect sexual activity? Twenty-four adults in New York City who took part in an interview were asked to share their experiences using weed and alcohol during sex. 

Participants said that alcohol made them feel sexier during sex compared to weed. Other participants reported enhanced physical sensations during sex while high on the herb. Other participants reported that marijuana made them experience slow and tender sex as compared to alcohol which resulted in more intense sex.

Some participants reported intense orgasms while under the influence of alcohol and others reported more intense orgasms while high on the herb. 

 Why Sex Feels Different When You Are Stoned.  

Weed Kills the bad vibes in the bedroom: Cannabis shrinks your negativity and helps you appreciate your partner and see the brighter side of any bedroom issues you encounter.

 Weed lowers any inhibitions making you feel free to share your fantasies. If you crave creative sex, then a puff will do the magic. The puff helps you diverge your thinking and also boosts your focus on the sex.

stoned sex diverges your thinking
stoned sex diverges your thinking

 Weed also increases blood flow to your genitals making the touches and orgasms electric. It reduces the pain felt during anal or vaginal sex. All you have to do is splash it on the coochie.

Helps you relax: according to NIDA, marijuana can cause euphoria; it increases the intensity of feelings. which is followed by drowsiness/relaxation.

Can Cannabis Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

 There’s evidence that weed can cause men to delay getting an orgasm or have difficulty achieving one. Small studies have shown that cannabis may cause Erectile Dysfunction(ED). According to the authors of a 2018 meta-analysis, there’s not enough evidence to show any link between Cannabis and ED. 

can weed cause erectile dysfunction ?
can weed cause erectile dysfunction?

Bottom line: 

There is alot of conflicting data about the health impacts of cannabis, both negative and positive. According to studies, marijuana decreases sperm count, the volume of semen, and the shape of sperm. Marijuana provides benefits to people who are suffering from anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.

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Sex On A High During The Wake Of 4:20 : Does Weed Make Sex Better or Cause Erectile Dysfunction ? 1 1981

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