Dangers of anal sex

Is Anal Sex Safe ? 4 Risks You Can Avoid

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What Are The Risks Of Anal Sex?

Some people believe that anal sex is taboo, however, women desire sexploration and crossing boundaries. It feels different depending on the receptive partner, for men it feels more intense since they have their prostrate gland(P-Spot) in the anus. There are many risks that are associated with anal sex which include:

Increased rate of infections

Since the anus lacks cells that create a lubricant like a vagina does, it increases the risk of tears in the anus. The tears may expose the skin to stool which passes through the rectum causing the bacteria to invade the skin.

Increased rate of STIs 

Since the skin is likely to tear during sex, it increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections. Examples of STIs that are likely to be spread include Hepatitis, Gonorrhea, Herpes, and Chlamydia. In comparison with other forms of sex like vaginal sex, anal sex is the highest risk of sexual behavior for HIV transmission.


A man itching his ass
A man itching his ass

The tear in the lining of the anus can grow larger and extend to the bowels forming a fistula. Such large tears allow stool to go to other places in the body. The stool which is likely to carry bacteria spreads it to other parts of the body causing more infections.

Worsen hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids refer to areas of blood vessels in the rectum that cause itchiness and pain. Anal sex can worsen the condition of people who have them, however, it does not cause hemorrhoids.

In conclusion

Some people feel so much pain during anal sex, however, it doesn’t have to be painful as one can look for ways to make it pleasurable. One can also take precautions like using condoms and water-based lubes to make reduce the risks of getting infections.

Read Also: African Countries Where Anal Sex Is Not Banned

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