
Chimano: I Got The Cutest Pair Of Socks From My Fiance’ Bien

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Sautisol’s Bien Gifts Chimano Rainbow Socks During Pride Month

Sauti Sol member Willis Austin Chimamo was super excited after Bien handed him rainbow socks sparking dating rumours on social media. Chimamo shared a video of himself appreciating Bien for buying him the special gift. He stated that the gift was from his “fiance”. Bien was however quick to correct it to ” financer”
Chimamo said, ” “I just got the cutest pair of socks from my fiancĂ© none other than Bien,” He further commended Bien for buying him the pair of rainbow socks during pride month and acknowledged that it was a thoughtful gift. “Thanks for the rainbow, it’s pride month after all,” He told Bien.
June is an LGBTQ Pride month which is dedicated to celebrating and commemorating lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender pride.
In June 2021, Chimamo came out as gay. Speaking to a local outlet, the band singer revealed that he no longer wanted to live a lie. He released a single dubbed “Friday Feeling” which he termed as a true representation of who he is.
“It is the first time I am expressing myself in a song. You really get to know who Chimano is and that is a heavy crown to carry. It is just a representation of the underground ballroom culture within the queer community… which I am part of.”
Chimano gifts Bien rainbow socks
Chimano gifts Bien rainbow socks
During an interview with Kiss FM last year he asserted that he is living a better life after coming out as gay. He said, “You live a fuller and happier life when you really just fall in love with yourself and accept who you are if it’s with your sexuality if it’s with your body if you are acknowledging that maybe you have an addiction issue, mental issues,” He also revealed that he would do a private wedding with only a number of people attending it. He said that nobody would even realize that he tied the knot since he respects his private life and wouldn’t want to face social media bullies.
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