6 top sex positions for curvy women.

6 top sex styles for curvy women

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Curves maketh a woman

You haven’t had sex until you have had it with a fucking curvy girl. Could it be the overflowing sexiness that even the pope can’t resist? I don’t know all i know is i wish I was fucking one right now.

Curvy women are the classic beauty and as long as men shall live and have dicks then they will always crave to fuck a curvy girl. The curvier the better, the curvier the sweeter, the curvier the sexier there’s just no two ways about it and once you really fuck a curvy girl you never go back, you’re hooked for life.

Jiggle jiggle big star…

Thanks, however, to green with envy western media campaigns that portrays curvy women or more precisely Big Beautiful Women (BBWs) as not sexy enough young girls grow up hating how they look. This is one of the main reasons why curvy women are afraid to get on top. In a fake conditioned world where everything has to be tucked in nicely, curvy women fear how they’ll look. Things might hang out a little more and jiggle as they move therefore they always prefer if they go the ‘Kifo ya mende’ (missionary) way.

Well, I have some news for you sweetheart you are just perfect the way you are and who told you everyone wants to eat lean meat.? Some of us love our meat fat and juicy. C’mon if you are like me and love BBWs with passion, the jiggle and things hanging is just part of the deal why I fell for you in the first place so cum* on top, if I die I die.

That settled, so, as a curvy woman who loves sex what are some of the sex positions you can rock. Here are just a few you should try.

Cow Girl

Whoever said big girls can’t come on top fuck him because they can. And don’t worry even if you are a little heavier than him you’re not going to hurt him or do any lasting damage. 

If you get on top and his little cock can’t stay in place don’t worry. Just throw a pillow or two beneath his hips to raise them and ride him until he sings kumbaya.


Who’s your Dzaddy girl? 

This is one of those positions that really makes your man feel like the king of fucks. From his position he gazes down at you as you take it one more time, ever inching closer to orgasm.

To pull off the Captain style have your woman lie on her back, legs straight and lifted up. The man then sits down on his knees next to the woman’ buttocks with her legs wide apart. With your hands, take your partner’s ankles and spreads her legs apart and fuck the living daylights out of her.

Erotic poster

Are your feeling like your sex game is getting boring? Well, how about you try Erotic poster and see your sex life get back on track.

As a man all you need to do is sit your ass in the armchair half-lying and your rock hard dick putting upwards. Your fluffy queen then sits on your penis and takes her hands back and supports herself with the armrests. Go mama go go go.


Who has been a good dog? Woof! Woof!

Whether you are slim or plum doggy style is one of those styles that never goes out of fashion and so easy to do you can do it with your eyes closed.

What makes doggy, however, extra sweet with a curvy woman is that you can hold on to the love handles and ram that big ass like you have chugged down two fresh bottles of concentrated Kokolyoko.

Thigh tide

You know what goes hand in hand with those thunder thighs? Thigh tide.

If you swear you have never heard of it, don’t worry this is just Reverse Cowgirl with a slight change – he bends one leg at the knee. You then wrap your arms around his leg and grind your clit against his thigh as you ride him. Orgasms are made of this Girrrrrl.


Yes, always save the best for the last just like you should never fuck her one round and roll over to sleep. You fuck her the whole night boy like a real man.

Butterfly has a catch though, it works best if your man is the right height to penetrate you while he stands on the floor and you lie on your back on the bed. Scoot to the edge of the mattress and let him penetrate you with your legs up against his chest. 

The key is to keep your legs straight so they’re not pushed back against your tummy and breasts.

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