why men should avoid fingering during sexual intercourse

This Is Why You Should Avoid Fingering Your Partner

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Can You Get An STI From Fingering?

Getting intimate with your partner has a lot of health benefits in addition to strengthening the bond between the both of you. Some people may have foreplay to help lubricate the genitals before they begin to get intimate.
Can fingering spread STIs?
Can you get STIs from fingering?
 Some people use fingers to penetrate their woman’s pussy or rectum to give them sexual pleasure. According to research, fingering is not healthy as one can contract an infection if they touch their own genitals or mouth without washing their hands. It is also possible to transmit STIs like Hepatitis B if there are open wounds in the anus or genitals. You can contract the following STIs through fingering:

Human Papilloma Virus(HPV)

Recent research suggests that the chances of contracting HPV from fingering are low. A 2019 study from McGill University that focused on the risk of contracting HPV from fingering, took HPV samples of hands and genital swabs from over 250 heterosexual couples after every few months.
The researchers genetically typed the HPV samples in order to determine the route of transmission from one partner to the other. According to the findings,  the risk of contracting HPV from fingering it was possible but ‘unlikely’.
HPV is a virus that causes cervical cancer. It can be passed through skin contact and those who are sexually active can get it. The rate of passing the fingers to the vagina is low.
 HPV Vaccination In Kenya
HPV Vaccination prevents people from contracting the virus
HPV Vaccination prevents people from contracting the virus
HPV vaccine is licensed for girls between the age of nine and twenty six years. It is available in school-based hospitals ,health departments and doctor offices. Private hospitals charge around twenty thousand kenyan shillings for the vaccine. Currently, there’s no cure for an existing HPV infection but there are treatments for problems it causes like genital warts.


According to studies involving men who have sex with men, the STI  can be spread to the  anus and rectum through fingering.


The STI can be spread through genital excretions like semen and other vaginal fluids. Herpes can spread if a person touches a herpes sore and touch their eyes , genitals and mouth without washing their hands.


The skin condition which causes itchiness is spread by parasites through skin to skin contact which may occur during fingering.

Reducing The Risk Of STI Exposure Through Fingering

It is possible to transmit various STIs like gonorrhea, herpes, and HPV through fingering. Most studies however show that the risk is low but the risk is not zero. You can use finger cots or gloves if you want to be on the safe side.
Finger cots prevent the spread of STDs
Finger cots prevent the spread of STDs
 Also, maintain hygiene during and after sex by washing your hands before touching yourself and your partner’s genitals in order to minimize the risk of contracting and spreading STIs. It is also important to trim your nails to avoid causing open sores incase you scratch your partner’s genitals.

Other Ways You Can Reduce The Risk Of Spreading STIs

Using water based lube during sex is recommended since oil based lubricants can cause condoms to break further increasing the risk of spreading STIs especially for infected partners.

Health care providers recommend vaccination against STIs like HPV and Hepatitis to prevent contracting and spreading of such conditions.

Regular testing STI prevents spread and contracting of the condition
Regular testing STI is necessary for early detection and prevention of spread 

Undergoing regular testing of STIs is important for early detection of STIs to prevent further spread of the conditions.

Skip sexual activity if your partner has open wounds since they are an ivitation for infections.Without open wounds and sores, chances of spreading the infections are minimal.

In Conclusion

STIs can be spread through sharing clothes that are won close to the genitals, body fluids and skin to skin contact. Early detection of STIs and their treatment can help prevent further transmission and complications which can be dangerous.
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