cheating in a relationship

How To Deal With Cheating In a Relationship

Reading Time: 6 minutes
Dating in a relationship means breaking the rules you and your partner have agreed on in a committed relationship. It refers to adultery or sexual infidelity.
If you are making love or having any sexual acts with someone outside of your committed relationship, it means that you are cheating on your sexual partner.
Cheating of any form may cause sorrow and may lead to a break up or divorce.

Forms Of Cheating

There are various types of cheating in a relationship that don’t only involve physical affairs. Cheating may include emotional attachment or gratification and sexual intimacy from someone else who’s not your partner.

Physical Infidelity

This is one of the most common forms of cheating in a relationship that entails sexual intimacy with some one who isn’t your partner. It refers to a breach of a couple’s sexual exclusivity.
Being sexually intimate with someone who’s not your partner is the most obvious sign of infidelity that may lead to a break up. An obvious sign of your partner cheating on you is if your sex life has taken a different turn. Your partner will not be interested in having any physical contact with you.

Financial Cheating

This occurs when a partner doesn’t share details about their spending habits or their savings. For instance they could hide their financial statement from their partners so that they can purchase gifts for their side-pieces.
Other reasons why they could lie about their spending habits can include a gambling habit, substance abuse and or compulsive shopping. Financial infidelity could entail keeping secrets from your significant other and breaking their trust in you. A cheating partner will overspend , use all the savings and put you in debt and worst of it all is they will not tell you about it.

Physical Affair

Many people ask if kissing is cheating while INA relationship. Just kissing someone other than your romantic partner can be regarded as cheating.
Participating in sex activities like kissing or foreplay with someone who’s not your partner is considered cheating. The fact that sex isn’t involved doesn’t make it less hurtful for your significant other.
If you are unsure about what actions are considered cheating it’s advisable to communicate it with your sex partner. Relationships are different therefore you and your partner should be in a position to put all cards on the table and discuss what sexual acts can be considered cheating.

Having Romantic Feelings for Someone Else

Having romantic feelings for somebody who’s not your partner can be termed as cheating if you decide to act upon those feelings. This can be done by spending time with them and also your savings to purchase expensive gifts for them.
It’s difficult to control your emotions but you should realize that you have power over your actions. Therefore, meeting a person you like behind your partner’s back can be termed as cheating.
You don’t have to feel guilty over having feelings for someone else as it’s difficult to control them. However it calls for reevaluation of your situation before it causes problems. You also need to know that for your emotions to be considered infidelity, you have to act upon them without thinking about what impact it has on your partner.

Commemorative Fidelity

This happens mostly when an individual falls out of love and has no feelings for their partner but choose to remain in the relationship because they have an obligation. Such people justify cheating by arguing that their relationship has fallen apart and that finding new love’s not wrong.

Pouring Your Attention into a Hobby

You can cheat on your partner with a hobby can be considered as cheating. Devoting your time and attention to an interest or hobby instead of spending time with your partner can constitute cheating.
Instead of spending your time with your romantic partner, you tend to play games or spend time on physical activities or spend the weekend at work. This doesn’t mean that hobbies are bad instead they should be done in moderation. Obsessing over a hobby instead of spending time with your partner can contribute to a rift in the relationship.

Fantasizing About Someone Else

it’s normal to fantasize about a person who poses to be attractive to you. Letting your mind wander and day dream about them may lead to action that can be termed as cheating.
When you spend lots of time daydreaming of someone that you deem attractive it may push you to act on it. It may also lead to immoral acts or it may take your mind off the relationship. You are fantasizing about something that’s unreal and comparing it to reality. This cab have disastrous consequences on your relationship.
cheating in a relationship
         cheating in a relationship can cause emotional damage


This involves developing intimate connections outside your relationship. It consists of having an active profile on dating sites, stalking your crush or ex partner on social media and or flirting with other individuals.
It could also include sending flirtatious cues on messages. Even if it’s subtle and doesn’t involve physical intimacy, the secrecy and lies that come with it are bound to end a relationship.

Cyber Affair

An online affair is a form of cheating that involves sexual and intimate undertones that thrive online through messages and video calls. Both parties may fail to know each other apart from basic information like age, physical appearance and profession based on the photos they share.
These parties may never even meet each other but their connection can affect their other relationships. An online affair can spark feelings of anger and jealousy in a partner. Online dating can be termed as betrayal and can break the trust in the relationship.

Emotional Cheating

This form of cheating occurs when you establish an intimate connection with a person who isn’t your romantic partner. You can tell emotional infidelity apart from simple friendship because interactions involve sexual tension.
It involves developing a closeness with another person that may interfere with the connection you have with your partner. Instead of focusing on your partner, you invest emotionally to someone outside of your relationship.
If emotional cheating makes the trust is broken and could have serious effects. If the trust issues remain unresolved, the person who’s been cheated on may not be in a position to form healthy relationships with other people. They can feel threatened and paranoid by their significant other’s friendships.

5 Ways of Dealing With Cheating in a Relationship

Dealing with infidelity in a relationship is a challenging and an emotionally complicated process. It necessitates you to have thoughtful consideration and being willing to confront difficult emotions. Here are ways to address the aftermath of cheating:

Open Communication

Start an honest dialogue about cheating. Such a dialogue should be aimed at understanding why your partner is cheating. It’s vital to listen to your partner’s perspective and express your emotions clearly. This will help you to establish the dynamics of the relationship and understand whether there’s a mutual desire to solve any issues in the relationship.

Seek Professional Help

Engaging with a relationship expert or therapist provides a neutral space to analyse the causes of cheating. Professional advice helps both partners to understand their emotions, communicate right and develop ways for healing. Therapy is also a way to offer individual support to process feelings of guilt and rebuilding self esteem.

Prioritize Self-Care

prioritize your self-care
                                  An online affair involves intimate undertones and can cause        misunderstanding           

Consider prioritizing your physical and emotional well-being by engaging in activities that promote self support and care. Healing from the trauma of infidelity is about finding your personal space and taking care of your mental health.

Have Expectations and Set Boundaries

After a breach of trust it’s significant to establish expectations for the relationship which includes setting setting boundaries about future communication, commitments and guidelines. Rebuilding trust for your partner is a gradual process and needs consistent effort and honesty from you and your partner.

Reflect On The Future Of The Relationship

Take your time to reflect on the relationship and you genuinely want to continue the relationship. While making the decision, consider the history of the relationship, its level of commitment and whether there’s potential for any changes to be made. Such a decision should be made on an understanding of your values, needs and if you can rebuild the trust.


Now that you are aware of these different types of cheating in relationships, monitoring your behaviour and avoiding actions that are bound to hurt you or your partner is easier.

Infidelity in your relationship can cause emotional drain but addressing it is crucial for healing and growth. Also, understanding the various forms of addressing the problem and employing strategies to deal with it may lead to a healthier and fulfilling relationship. Whether you decide to rebuild your trust and relationship or go seperate with your partner,

Whether you choose to rebuild trust or part ways, remember that seeking support from professionals and loved ones can be invaluable during this challenging time.

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