10 Signs You Are Dating A Sex Addict 1

10 Signs You Are Dating A Sex Addict

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Does He Masturbate a lot? Darling, Your man Is A Sex Addict!

You have been hanging out or have been in a long-term relationship with your significant other for a while but something just seems off. You have caught him watching porn severally or flirting with every pretty young thing and your guts tell you that your partner is a sex addict. No, you are not out of your mind all you need to do is recognize whatever’s actually happening and act accordingly. Remember, you can’t afford to ignore your instincts.

They masturbate, Alot!

They don’t get enough of the sex, therefore they masturbate even after they have had the most awesome sex in their life. You may have had bomb sessions only for them to masturbate close to you in less than an hour. This should not impact your esteem, if they are compulsive masturbators, they have a problem with themselves. Not you!

They Flirt with every woman

They flirt with every attractive person they come across. It could be that cute waitress or sexy neighbor. This is their way of grooming potential sex partners!

They are always suspicious of you

A sex addict is always suspicious
A sex addict is always suspicious
Even when you are blameless, they always give you the look that shows that they are suspicious of you. They believe that you engage yourself in some of the disrespectful things they do.

You are pushed to explore crazy kinks

Exploring sexy kinks can be interesting for you and your partner. If their sexual interests are encompassing and they push you out of your physical or emotional comfort zone, it is likely that they have issues that could add up to sex addiction.

They manipulate you

If you get them doing something that may jeopardize your relationship, they will do their best to stand out to be innocent. They will by no means admit to being a freak and may even go to an extent of questioning your integrity for suspecting them.

They are compulsive liars

If your partner tells you a lie all the time, you are most likely dealing with a sex addict. They tell you numerous lies that are not necessarily related to sex. They may tell you that they are going for Bible study only for them to show up at your place fish drunk!

They keep their phones out of sight and reach

sex addict
Your man is a sex addict
They do not leave their phone laying around and they may carry them with them to the shower. They may also seem nervous when you ask them whether you can use their phone. They might be hiding an affair or cues about their serious sex addiction.

They want to be in control between the sheets

More often than not, sex addicts are very good in bed. They always want to be in charge the whole sexy time. At times they don’t care whether you get off or not.

Commitment phobia

They don’t have a well-defined history of dating since they don’t value commitment when it comes to relationships. Love is also not on their priority list when it comes to dating or marriage. As such they marry for other motives including financial gain and or status. They also date numerous partners at the same time while keeping them in the dark about each other.

They lose track of time

Their priority is to pursue pleasure by every means possible and every other task to them comes second and isn’t that important to them. They, therefore, struggle with timekeeping and may show up late for dates or even cancel them impromptu.
10 Signs You Are Dating A Sex Addict 2 3249

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