When Wajir Woman Rep Fatuma Gedi's Sextape Went Viral 1

When Wajir Woman Rep Fatuma Gedi’s Sextape Went Viral

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When Wajir Woman Rep Fatuma Gedi’s Sextape Shocked The Online Community

Wajir woman rep Fatuma Gedi became the talk of the internet when her nudes went viral. In the one-minute video that made several rounds on social media, there’s a Somali woman who resembles Fatuma Gedi. The woman is seen being fucked in the video. The woman in question is seen sliding a hard dick inside her wet and creamy pussy. She seems to crave the hard dick as she enjoys the raw and steamy sex.

Fatuma gedi sex tape
Fatuma Gedi’s nude photos 

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After the nude video went viral the woman rep came forward to defend herself refuting claims that the circulating video is hers. Her allies also claimed that the videos circulating online were just photoshopped.

In a past interview with Sunday Standard, the lawmaker claimed that there are cartels who used cyber techniques to photoshop her in what seemed like a video of her getting sexual pleasure from another man with an aim of tarnishing her reputation since she is a public figure.

When Wajir Woman Rep Fatuma Gedi's Sextape Went Viral 2

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She also claimed that the video caused her so much harm to her as it traumatised her adding that she would not wish that upon any other woman. She however pointed out that the video made her rise and become strong though she is scared that her kids may stumble upon the video one day.

Fatuma is not the only politician whose photos have leaked online. Parliamentarian Millicent Omanga also became the talk of the internet when her nudes went viral. In the video that has made so many rounds on social media, Millicent is seen lying on he stomach as she pops her bare ass into the air. Details about who and under what circumstances the nudes leaked are yet to be established by the online community.

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