Men in Polygamous Marriages Face Higher Risk of Heart Disease. Here's Why. 1

Men in Polygamous Marriages Face Higher Risk of Heart Disease. Here’s Why.

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Study Shows That Men In Polygamous Marriages Face Higher Risk Of Heart Ailments

The Pew Research Centre, states that 2 per cent of the global population lives in polygamous households. The fact tank’s findings show that polygamy is most common in sub-Saharan Africa.11 per cent of the population here lives in arrangements that include more than one partner. Interestingly, in countries with a Muslim majority and those who have legalised polygamy, like Pakistan, Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, less than one per cent of men live with more than one spouse.
According to the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey report released in January,35 per cent of men admitted to being romantically involved with a woman who was not their spouse or regular partner over the preceding 12 months. The equivalent statistic for women was 19%. Scientists agree that men in polygamous marriages have been reported to face a higher risk of heart disease compared to monogamous men. According to the study, “Men in polygamous relationships are associated with two to four times higher odds of heart diseases,” The study shows that the risk to a man’s heart increases as the number of wives increases.
Men in Polygamous Marriages Face Higher Risk of Heart Disease. Here's Why. 2
The research which was led by Amin Daoulah of King Faisal Specialist Hospital, studied heart patients attending five hospitals in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for a year. About 1,068 men undergoing treatment for heart disease were sampled.  Out of these men, 687 were married-229 of the men had between two and four wives. The researchers concluded that all other variables adjusted, and there was an association between polygamy and heart conditions.

According to researchers, there are several reasons associating polygamy with the severity and number of heart conditions. They said, “It could be that the need to provide and maintain separate households multiplies the financial burden and emotional expense of polygamy,”

The United Nations condemns polygamy as discrimination against women. According to a resolution of the UN Human Rights Committee adopted in the year 2000, polygamy does not offer men and women equal rights to marry. The UN asserts that it is a violation of the dignity of women.
Men in Polygamous Marriages Face Higher Risk of Heart Disease. Here's Why. 3 1284

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