Man Shocks Neigbhours by Beating his Wife Over sex 1

Man Shocks Neigbhours by Beating his Wife Over sex

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Stanley Ndaiyema, 40, surprised his neighbours when he seriously beat up his wife claiming that she had refused him to fuck her. His wife is a Primary School teacher in the central Uganda district of Buikwe about 45 km from the capital city where Ndaiyema works as an accountant.

According to one of the neighbours, whose name is withheld, who claims to be a close friend of Mrs Ndaiyema, the teacher told her that she got information that her husband was fucking many women in Kampala and could have even contracted HIV/AIDs.

Several times, the man reportedly visited his wife with whom they have a three year kid but the wife denied offering him sex. The man went back to Kampala grumbling and cursing. But this time he came up with a plan which yielded results.

It was around midnight when he requested sex but the woman denied him as usual. He got a stick which he had hidden under the bed and beat her seriously. At first, the woman thought the man was joking and tried not to cry. but the man beat her so hard that she started crying and sounding an alarm for help.

The loud cries attracted most of the neighbors and they rushed to the teacher’s house . Even as he heard them at the house’s door loudly asking his wife what had gone amiss, he continued beating her seriously

He later opened the door while in underpants with manhood seemingly erect, and politely greeted the neighbors. They asked him why he had beaten his wife to that extent. He was frank and told them that for the last 14 months, she had denied him sex. He said even just before beating her she had denied him sex.

All the neighbours walked away without blaming him. One of the men who was drunk shouted saying that the woman was stupid for not giving her husband sex. As they left, Ndaiyema locked the door and the woman gave in without any resistance. He fucked all night and even the following night.

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