Is Swallowing Cum Safe? An Open Discussion And Facts Towards Oral Sex
Choosing to swallow cum during oral sex is a topic the world has wanted to know more about, and spread myths about for years.
Well, the topic is rather sensitive for discussion, but it is crucial to remove the helping shroud and give people the chance to become aware and make their own decisions.
This article also describes health-wise effects, dangers, and fantasies about swallowing semen from someone else’s body.
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The Composition of Semen
According to the result of a scientific study, semen (cum) is a fluid generated by the male reproductive system and is mainly made of water, proteins, sugar, enzymes, and minerals.
Males ejaculate between 1 to 5 milliliters of semen in each ejaculation and small amounts of nutrients such as zinc, magnesium, and calcium.
This nutritional component has given rise to overemphasized benefit of semen, in actuality the nutritional value of semen is minimal.
The fact is that this product has a very low caloric value and contains negligible amounts of nutrients; thus, it has no positive or negative effects on a person’s health.
Is It Safe to Swallow Cum?
As a rule, many women will not experience any health issues if they swallow semen unless both partners are not STI-free, in particular, the man is infected.
The male ejaculate and semen can be handled and processed without any problem by the human digestive tract.
That being said, safety is relative; the health condition of the other partner and if there are any allergies to the ingredients are taken into account.
Another thing that worried people who wanted to swallow their partners’ semen was the possibility of getting an STI. Some STIs like HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and herpes are transmitted by body fluids with semen being one of the fluids used to transfer the disease.
If the male partner has an STI that is not treated, the chances of passing it on are very high. Even higher chances of developing this condition are those who have open sores or cuts in their mouth.
Moreover, while severe reactions are infrequent; some people can have an allergic reaction to semen, a condition called human seminal plasma hypersensitivity.
The severity of the rash can vary from mere itching or skin redness to swelling, breathing problems, or anaphylactic shock. In as much as there may be any negative reaction following exposure to semen, it is very important to consult a doctor.
For healthy people, swallowing semen is not expected to cause serious health complications. The digestive system acts the same way as it does with any other substances that we put in our mouth and swallow, for example, the semen is turned into its constituent parts.
But then, let not persons with particular health issues for instance a weakened body immune system practice activities that include the exchange of bodily fluids without prior consultation with a doctor.
Myths that Surround Swallowing of Semen
Many people make the act a taboo since most of the beliefs associated with it have no scientific basis. Here are some common myths:
Swallowing cum has anti-aging or skin benefits
Cum has been alleged to possess component that helps promote skin health or even slow the aging process. The fact is that the nutrients in semen are negligible enough to warrant anti-aging or skin rejuvenation.
It enhances fertility or the level of hormones.
As for the conception that the male sperm swallowed leads to enhancement of fertility as well as hormonal balance in women, all this is nonsense. Semen did not affect fertility since it is determined by factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and general health among others.
Semen is poisonous or deleterious if swallowed.
This is false. Semen is harmless to other healthy individuals, and should not be considered poisonous. That is a normal human secretion produced primarily for conception and is subsequently handled with nonchalance by the digestive system.
For those prone to swallowing cum, the partner must maintain an open relationship when it comes to issues to do with sexual health. Safe sex education to embrace STI tests and open dialogue on personal health updates will help to enhance sexual practices and make the exercise pleasurable for the two individuals involved.