How to Cheat On Your Wife Without Getting Caught 1

How to Cheat On Your Wife Without Getting Caught

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Cheating is not something I would advise anybody primarily since only total pricks cheat. There are ways to limit the chances of cheating without being caught and dealing with the ramifications of your acts. If you are at a point where you can’t leave your union but you’re ready to explore other options, exploring these tactics might help you to avoid the fact that you’re deceivingĀ  someone who cares about you:

Date a Mistress With The Same Name

Go for a woman who answers to the same name as your partner so that you don’t get confused when you are angry or drunk. This may not be a simple thing to do especially if your new girlfriend has a rare name. Otherwise, it should work. Remember, discipline is the key.

Go For Younger Mistresses

Women in their early twenties are not likely to commit to motherhood. They are also prone to a quasi-romantic illusion of having an affair with a person older than them or a person who’s already committed to another woman.
The older your mistress gets, the more demanding she becomes and the more she’s prone to unplanned pregnancies. Make the rubberized products your best friend here. Don’t trust her when she says that she’s on the pill.

No HomeĀ  Or Work Address

How to Cheat On Your Wife Without Getting Caught 2


The worst thing that can happen is your mistress showing up at your home trying to get acquainted with your wife. To avoid getting yourself into fatal situations keep your addresses to yourself.

Have a Strict Daily Routine

if you must have a mistress, ensure your daily schedule is played out with precision. If you never had late-night meetings you can never start having them suddenly. If you want to win in this, squeeze some adulteration during work hours.

Have an Affair Abroad

Having an affair while on a trip abroad is one of the best ways to avoid commitment. If you must have an affair, opt for a mistress who lives far away.

Claim a Vague Relative

If you must be seen with your side piece, it’s advisable to declare her as a cousin from that family that nobody speaks to. By doing so, you can avoid looking like an older guy who’s just hanging out with a college chic.
You can safely avoid awkward queries by helping the family. That’s always justifiable. In such a case, it’s advisable to restrict yourself to a person of the same race or nationality since some awkward questions may pop up.
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