Sexy nude videos are videos of someone who is either half or fully naked. Sometimes it’s good you share such vids to share your feelings with someone you trust whether you are dating or flirting with them.
Even when you share such photos sometimes you can be met by betrayal and blackmail. So what exactly should you do if you wake up to seeing your nudes leaked all over the internet:
Feel what you got to
Such an incident may make you feel betrayed, frustrated, and angry and may also make you hate the person responsible for leaking the nudes.
It may take you a lot of time for you to do something that will help process all the emotions you feel at the same time. Feel whatever emotions you got to feel. Ignoring and burying your emotions may not work or make you feel any better in the long run.
Talk to someone you trust
It will be easier for you to go through such a depressing moment with someone close by who is willing to give you a hand as you go through it.
Therefore, approach a person who you can trust. It could be a friend or close relative who can give you a word of advice or guidance until you get over it.
Resist sharing it with lots of people about it as it may not relieve you even if you feel that it would. It is important to hang around people who will give you the support you need and won’t criticize you.
Screenshot of sexy nude video
Have a conversation with the bully
It can be really frightening when you have to talk to someone who has bullied you. However, it’s necessary to talk to them as it takes a huge weight off your shoulders.
Therefore don’t ignore having a candid talk with the person in question. Keep your cool as you talk and avoid raising your voice or lecturing them when sharing with them how you feel.
You may resolve things better if you get to understand what could be bothering them and whether you did anything wrong that did upset them. Apologize to them in case you crossed their line at any point.
Lastly, find out from them whether they can pull down the sexy nude videos even though they have already gone viral as it may lower your stress levels.
Many thoughts and questions are likely to flood your mind. You may ask yourself severally why someone would decide to invade your privacy. Understand that the person in question could be dealing with problems or it could be that things are not going their way and that’s why they resorted to doing you dirty.
You may feel like blaming yourself for the leaked sexy nude videos but that is not necessary. Keep in mind that it’s nothing to do with what you said or did and you are just a victim of bullying. You are entirely not to blame!
Bottom line:
You may get many depressive thoughts after your nude videos go viral. Remember there’s a large amount of data being uploaded online every second. It is likely that internet users who have short memory will soon forget and move on from the incident soon. So smile and go back to your usual happy self.
Divert your attention to other things like your family or career and move on from the past. There’s no point in crying over spilled milk. Later on, you may realize that the incident no longer matters a bit!
If you feel that you still struggle with the situation after all your efforts, it is wise and necessary to seek counseling from psychologists.