Avocados and Fish : 8 Foods That Prevent Vaginal Dryness 1

Avocados and Fish : 8 Foods That Prevent Vaginal Dryness

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Vaginal dryness is a common problem for most women who are approaching menopause. It may come off as a surprise to most people that about 50% of women age fifty years and above experience vaginal dryness, 25% of women experience vaginal dryness during sexual intercourse and 16% experience vaginal pain.

Vaginal illnesses are very hard to ignore among women. It can be embarrassing for your vagina to feel dry and itchy. It is important to discuss possible remedies for the dryness and itching with your doctor. What are some of the most obvious reasons for vaginal dryness and itching?

The most obvious reason for this is reduced hormone estrogen levels. Vaginal dryness can be a symptom of medical conditions including acne medications, urinary tract infections and yeast infections. What are some of the foods that women should eat to avoid having a dry vagina?

Foods Rich In Omega 3

Foods that are high in fatty acids (Omega 3) may help in producing additional vaginal lubrication, increase blood flow and decrease vaginal dryness. Examples of such foods include sunflower seeds, raw pumpkin, sesame seeds and fish ( like salmon, tuna and mackerel) are great choices that are highly rich in fatty acids.

Sweet Potatoes

Avocados and Fish : 8 Foods That Prevent Vaginal Dryness 2

 Sweet potatoes are rich in Vitamin A and beta-carotene. The two help to protect your uterine walls against thinning, strengthen vaginal tissues and also assist in normalizing the estrogen levels.

Probiotics and Yogurts

These are a great way to maintain your vagina’s pH and prevent infections that may lead to increased irritation and vaginal pain. Probiotic foods include fermented foods like kimchi, yoghurt and  kombucha tea

Hot Chillies

Hot chillies improve blood circulation and stimulate nerve endings for arousal.


These magic fruits are fatty and filled with healthy fats, potassium and vitamin B-6. They have been shown to help estrogen levels, strengthen vaginal walls and improve lubrication.


These foods are rich in zinc a mineral that is believed to fight vaginal dryness. They also contain fatty acids that help improve vasodilation through relaxing smooth muscle cells and improving vaginal moisturization. Oysters contain fatty acids namely, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).


Okra remains to be the vagina’s well-kept secret. If you eat it, your vagina is going to be wet and slippery as the inside of the vegetable. If you don’t like the feel or sight of the slimy vegetable, you can opt for mixing the vegetable pills into your favourite beverage.


Asafu Adjei says, “An apple a day keeps the vagina saying yay,” Apples contain phytoestrogen phloridzin an element that promotes vaginal lubrication and stimulates blood circulation in the vagina. According to a study that was published in the Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, women who eat apples several times a day had a higher sexual function compared to the ones who ate less.

EXPLORE MORE: Food Play, How To Mix Sex With Food For Exciting Foreplay

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